Discover the heartwarming journey of Buxton’s Pizza, a culinary gem that started its adventure in 2020 as a food truck roaming the vibrant landscapes of New England. With a commitment to bringing a slice of Neapolitan delight to its patrons, Buxton’s cultivated a following for its unique take on pizza. The rolling wheels of this ambitious venture eventually led them to plant roots at 158 Rockingham Rd, Derry, NH, where they expanded their horizons beyond the beloved pizza to embrace the rich tapestry of Italian cuisine. Serving the community from Wednesday to Saturday between 4:00pm and 9:00pm, Buxton’s has turned into a local favorite, inviting guests to delve into a menu that promises more than just a dining experience.
The transition from a mobile food truck to a brick-and-mortar restaurant illustrates Buxton’s Pizza‘s remarkable evolution. By choosing Derry, NH, as their permanent location, the team behind Buxton’s crafted a space that not only showcases their culinary expertise but also acts as a hub for the community to gather and enjoy high-quality meals. The essence of Buxton’s journey from hitting the road to setting up a stable abode on Rockingham Rd is a testament to their passion for food and eagerness to share it with a wider audience. This commitment has enabled them to create a rich dining environment that resonates with the vibrancy and warmth of the local community, making Buxton’s Pizza a cherished establishment in Derry.